Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Adventure #25...Garden turned Farm

When we moved back to North Carolina one of the things Phillip was most eager to do was to restart the garden that once existed.

I had talked to some folks and did some research on container and square foot gardening and was happy to help and get started. We I didn't want anything too big that became too much to manage.  But Phillip had other plans.

He borrowed his neighbors tractor and set to tearing up the lawn. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy! Our neighbor on the top side of the property came down to help cut the plots and till them. Soon our small garden project turned into three large beds. And four garden boxes (that I built all by myself thank you very much!)

 Last summer we planted:
  • cilanto
  • basil
  • tomatos
  • sage
  • mint
  • okra
  • pumpkins
  • watermelon
  • corn
  • greasy beans
  • squash
  • onions
  • lettuce
  • green peppers
  • jalapeno peppers
  • spinach
  • flowers
  • other stuff I can't remember
Most all of Phillip's free time was spent out in the garden. I learned to can and we learned a lot along the way - like don't plant other stuff where your spreading crops are - watermelon and pumpkins took over the whole plot. Once those were gone more lettuce magically appeared. 

At the end of the season Phillip tilled all the plots again, borrowed the tractor and cut two more plots! We officially have a farm instead of a garden.

I now find myself anxiously awaiting the warmer weather and when we get to start on our garden again! This year with more land dedicated to our farming adventure we have hopes of selling at our local farmer's market. We also have apple trees, blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry bushes that were planted last year. I am excited to grow more food, can more for the winter, and keep exploring this productive and creative endeavor.